Sunday, December 27, 2009

As Good as it Gets

Well folks, tomorrow at the crack o' dawn, I'll be leaving for a 6 day ski extravaganza in Vail, Colorado! Me and the fam will be shredding it up all week, I can't wait! Finally, real double black diamonds and actual powder! Things you can never find on the east coast!
So yep, that means I wont be around until the 2nd, try to go on without me, I know it'll be difficult but you can do it! I still haven't gotten around to taking pictures of all my Christmas presents, but I did snap this picture of a lovely number I picked up today at the drug store:

Yep, this is as good as it gets folks, film from your local pharmacy. Hey, at least I got a free bonus roll. For around 9.99$, I'd say that's pretty sweet. Now how my pictures will turn out however, is a different kettle of fish all together.

Also today, I decided that in preparation for my trip, it was necessary to accessorize my new camera bag. My craze over Suffolk Puffs lead me to making a couple out of my most prized fabric and attaching them as pins! Have a look see:

For anyone who's wondering, the bag is the Sidekick Canvas Bag from If any of you are interested in buying it, I'd go with the Sidekick Canvas Lite Bag simply because this one is enormous.

Regarding the puffs, I absolutely adore the fabrics I used. I had been saving them for something special, namely a softie I was dreaming up, but I think these pins turned out nicely.
I like this combination of the two patterns better than the colder colours, partially because the fabric on the left is my favorite out of all the old quilting scraps I have lying around. The lighting really doesn't do it justice, its gorgeous in person! I do like the design of the brown and
blue fabric on the left though, it reminds me very much of Vera Bradly stuff (this is not exactly a good thing, mind you) but I still like the colour combination.

I think one of the most helpful Suffolk Puff (or Yo-Yo) tutorials is here on Its very straightforward and the pictures are very helpful.

Well, try not to miss me too too much while I'm away! Hopefully when I return, I'll have a ton of lovely shots from my Diana and my laptop will be repaired! Fingers crossed!

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