Excuse the low-quality computer shot, but I just
had to introduce you all to the newest member of our family:
The Argus Super 75! Funny story as to how he showed up....While rummaging through the prop rooms looking for china during theater company meeting today I came across a box of old cameras. They weren't just prop cameras, but a few Brownies and
this little fella! Our stage director said I could take him home and get him working again if I wanted, and so here he is! He's in pretty good condition, a few scratches and bonks here and there, but it seems to me he's in good shape! A twin-lens reflex, he's got 3 different aperture settings and a pretty sweet distance readout on the lens for focusing. He takes
620 film, which I ordered some of today on Ebay! Its remarkably hard to come by, partially due to the fact that Kodak discontinued it in 1995. Turns out, you can turn 120 into 620 by simply filing down the ends of the film spool, but I figured it'd be smart to stick to the actual 620, at least until I can prove it works! I did end up ordering some 120 also, for
Diana of course!
Diana and Argus seem to be hitting it off pretty well...sorry for the rather boring entry today, I'm too paranoid hoping for a snow day and trying to fix my sewing machine to bother. Hah!
Do a snow dance!!!
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